I'm Sort of A Big Deal
Hi. I'm Jason Moran. I don't know if you've heard of me, I'm sort of a big deal.
Turns out I'm in a movie trailer,
check it out!.
I was doing a few thousand bicep curls like I do every day at the gym, maintaining this
El Gigante physique, when I overheard some hot babes talking about how much they liked my movie.
I started to tell them about how I was training as a ninja for my next blockbuster when I totally flipped out and chopped off their heads because somebody dropped some weights and totally flipping out is what ninjas do. What you might not know is that ninjas are cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet.
1. Ninjas are mammals.
2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.
Ninjas can kill anyone they want! Ninjas cut off heads ALL the time and don't even think twice about it. These guys are so crazy and awesome that they flip out ALL the time.
Now that's what I call