Jason Moran
Monday, December 05, 2005
  I'm Sort of A Big Deal
Hi. I'm Jason Moran. I don't know if you've heard of me, I'm sort of a big deal.

Turns out I'm in a movie trailer, check it out!.

I was doing a few thousand bicep curls like I do every day at the gym, maintaining this El Gigante physique, when I overheard some hot babes talking about how much they liked my movie.

I started to tell them about how I was training as a ninja for my next blockbuster when I totally flipped out and chopped off their heads because somebody dropped some weights and totally flipping out is what ninjas do. What you might not know is that ninjas are cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet.

1. Ninjas are mammals.
2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

Ninjas can kill anyone they want! Ninjas cut off heads ALL the time and don't even think twice about it. These guys are so crazy and awesome that they flip out ALL the time.

Now that's what I call REAL ULTIMATE POWER!
That's was just...um...wow.
Double post has been removed. The browser crashed while I was posting, so it got posted twice.
Pirates can SO kick the arse of ninjas any day.
If ninjas were so great, they'd have more things named after them.

Such as:

A baseball team (Pittsburgh Pirates)
A movie (Pirates of the Caribbean)
A ride (Pirates of the Caribbean)
A great insult (You Butt-Pirate!)
A term for stealing software (Pirated Software)
A software stealing bit-torrent site (The Pirate Bay)
An exercise program (Pi(r)ates)

Why, they've even got their own dialect!
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What be YOUR Pirate Name?

I be the Red Pirate Davy Roberts. GARRR!!!
I agree with Kelly...um, wow...is this your "what if" in life? You know...when you're bored or driving and you start thinking "what if I were a..." A what if can't ever happen, but it has to be realistic...so do you dream about your possible ninja life?
I be Mad Jack Kidd
Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
And the conversion is successful. Jason Moran has been converted from a Ninja to a Pirate.

LOL!!!!!! Need I say more?????

Boring, Jason???????? NEVER~~~~~~
They said I'd be the pirate that would be thrown overboard...because I smelled bad. I swear I shower at least once every 6 weeks because I'm popular. Garr!
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GARRRR! I'm just a ninja in a pirate suit.
alright...pop quiz everyone...what does a wife do when her husband comes out of the shower this morning with his chest hair shaved into an arrow pointing down???
How do you shave an arrow into 4 chest hairs?
Hey Kelmo, they said that I was dirty ethel racham too! I shower daily not because I'm popular but because if I didn't I'd look like crap. I don't understand. And like everyone else has said...garr!!
So it's settled. Pirates are better than Ninjas.
Ninja, please.
You know what's funniest about this whole post. Just last Sunday TJ, Gheramy, Britton and decided to have a cold war that would be best displayed pirates (TJ and I) vs. Ninjas (Gheramy and Britton). I'm not really sure how to explain why we having this conversation, but I thought it was important enough to share with you now.
Ninjas suck. They lack all form of personality. They all look the same. They're a dime a dozen.
Lastly, they wear headbands and spandex. Is Richard Simmons a Ninja?
Trust me, Richard Simmons is a pirate. A specific kind of pirate. Sammons neighbors could explain it.
This turns you on sammon?
yeah jason wanted to play butt pirates last night..i don't know what that game is but he kept yelling for Smee in his sleep the whole night.
Excuse me mee lady! Do you have a place where i may sheith me longSWORD? GARRRR!!!
Haha, awesome. Hey, sorry I haven't been around much. I am graduating next Sunday and I had a butt-load of work to do. In fact, I was/am so stressed out, I had two panic attacks in one day. Yeah, freaky, huh. So blogging, while fun, is kinda at the bottom of my list. We do have a Christmas tree up but nothing but lights up on it. Tommy's gotta get on that. ;) Oh and thank you cards aren't even done yet! Ha, we're horrible people.
The other bad thing about Ninjas is they're too quiet. They don't want to let on anything about themselves, so they don't post a new blog entry (blentry).
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