Day 6, 7: Here Comes The Holiday Weekend
Let's see, the cravings are growing in magnitude every day. Kelly was snacking and I grabbed a postage-stamp-size piece of cheese and gobbled it up before she could stop me. On Saturday I had some cream of wheat for breakfast and I put both butter AND brown sugar in it. I'm falling to pieces. I'm starting to justify things. "It's okay, your worst meal of the day is supposed to be breakfast since you have the longest time to process it." Last night (Saturday) I also ate at like 10:15, which is clearly too late to allow my body to fully break down a deer steak (although it was very good and VERY lean - thanks Curt).
Friday was a back workout day plus a little bit of running. I was beat the whole time and barely made it through the workout. I'm getting bored of those treadmills/ellipticals! So, on Saturday I spiced it up and Kelly and I played Dance Dance Revolution for an hour as my cardio workout. Afterwards I went up to Ballys and lifted on my legs. Since I usually do cardio AFTER lifting, my legs were unusually tired for my leg workout, but I made it through it (except I forgot to do calves). I squatted 285 ten times as a fifth set, even with tired legs, so I'm probably ready to increase to 305 pounds for squatting soon.
Wish me luck since today has three picnics scheduled and tomorrow is Labor Day. If there are any days chock full of tempation, these are the days. I have run out of things to lift on, so today needs to have an hour long workout without a major muscle to lift on...