Day 10: Making the Grooves Deeper
Commenters on Day 9 were suggesting that my two weeks was short and that the real challenge is to incorporate these types of changes as a lifestyle.
I won't try to recreate 4th grade for you too much, but, DUH! Of course this is supposed to be a lifestyle. Read comments I made on the last blog:
The thing is that have been trying to eat healthy and control portions for months now and I haven't been able to do it.
Bode knows from college that when I actually sit down to get something done I can be tenacious and hard-working for a short duration. I decided to apply the same principle to eating and running (the two things I can't normally convince myself to do).
My hope is that two full weeks of intensity will wear off on my every day life.So that is the plan behind the scenes...the real motivation for these 14 days. I'm back down to 184 pounds, so it's a net loss of a pound since the beginnning of this journey. I ran on the elliptical for an hour last night (7.05 miles, 1028 calories, maintaining a 170 to 180 heart rate for that hour). I'm nearing the end, and I really can't wait to celebrate with Chipotle for lunch and a beer or two with some friends once I reach the finish line.