Jason Moran
Friday, August 19, 2005
  A Worried Wife
Kelly is scared about the next few months. She works at an orthodontists office during the week, although it falls into the part-time range of total hours worked. As almost everybody else is, she is disgruntled with work. As she has done during a number of other school semesters, she will be taking a college course with Tri-C. English. I will concisely express her sentiments with "English? Uggh :(" Now the last piece of the puzzle is that Kelly is starting up Mary Kay. She is already starting to book some parties and she used my credit card to buy a crapload of starting "product". She even has her own website for selling Mary Kay at http://www.marykay.com/kelly.coyne.moran

I know that Kelly will be fantastic at Mary Kay if she puts her heart into it. I mean, Kelly can be fantastic at anything if she puts her heart into it. That is where Kelly gets worried... How much heart can she put behind these commitments if she is getting stressed and stretched thin? I told her that she will be able to do all of it for many reasons. One, I really think she can. Two, I need to stand behind my wife when she tries something and give her the encouragement that I would want if I were in her situation. Three, I look at it through my own eyes. I know that I could handle all of this. If Mary Kay were a manly thing to do and I cared the least bit about beauty products then I would probably try it myself. Therein lies the problem. I'm looking at things through my own eyes, instead of through hers. So that leaves me wondering...am I putting too much pressure on her and being a bad husband or am I being her strength and support to make me a good husband? It's a fine line and I don't know which side I'm on. Typically with these fine line issues I'm actually on the wrong side and don't even know it!
Jason as a good husband help Kelly when she needs help. Back off when she doesn't and remind her that Mary Kay is so dang flexible that if she needs to take some time with it she can...plus she has a TON of support from me...her future Super Star Director, Kelly. Oh yeah I wonder how your life is going to change now that your in the middle of a Independent Beauty Consulant Sandwich of the Kellys Squared. In fact I recommend that you try the shave cream...its absolutely heavenly. You should get the 3-in-1 body bar and the shave cream for super smooth skin. You could always check out my website (which is identical to your wife's) at www.marykay.com/kellymoran
Bode, that is one of the most politically incorrect and offensive slogans I have ever heard...

J, Kelly will get through, you're right. However, Kelmo has a good point. You will have to be elastic - listen carefully to her needs in this season... not easy.

Oh, and why the attitude toward English class? English is excellent!
Well at least it is English and not chemistry or whatever she was taking last time! She will do good.

Kelly just think if you do good at Mary Kay (and you will), you can quit your other job. And be all set to be a mommy when the time comes.

Will be prying. Jason just keep encouraging!
yes, jason, it comes up again, the issue of a wife's needs, or a woman's needs, very interesting subject, since i'm still trying to figure it out myself...:)

such a great post, though, b/c u are already sensitive to the fact that u need to be sensitive and that is huge already! (many men never get there..)
[like, i would not consider it sensitive for my husband to wear bode's shirt out in public...]
anyway, only advice i can give u is what i give to my own hub - ask Holy Spirit to give u wisdom and pray together wih kel - and just plain love her to death no matter what.
Hey Bode, ~Mike said:
"Bode, that is one of the most politically incorrect and offensive slogans I have ever heard..."

which means that the slogan passes the real world test! People find it politically incorrect and offensive (and not sensitive!). I think you have discovered the perfect Greek Week shirt that never was.
And if I saw you were the tshirt Bode...I'd laugh...sigh...say "that's great." and then continue on in my life as if it had never happened. I find that's the best way to enjoy the things in life that you know you really shouldn't find funny.
That is very mature Kelly.

I, on the other hand, would probably give Bode a dirty look and avoid talking to him. I see nothing of commical value in the slogan.
Hahaha! I never thought about how judgemental it is for us to not make fun just like we would have made fun of anyone else for doing the exact same things that they do. You proved a very good point Bode, I for one will end my prejudice ways and make fun of people with handicaps at every opportunity available. Together we can all end the horror that Policital Correctness has instituted on these poor retarded souls.
Not everybody finds everything funny. I, for one, don't think that losing 8 golf balls on the first 7 holes is very funny. On the other hand, I'm sure many folks out there would have a deep belly laugh over such a situation.

Bode, I agree with your opinion that anything and everything can hold humor. I suppose we aren't usually "allowed" to laugh at certain things, yet if you look at most comedians, their entire act focuses on the things that are deemed taboo. It's that small amount of offensiveness added to some ironicy on top of some basic bathroom humor that makes many people laugh out loud.
Ok, you can't just make up words! Ironicy is not a word. Unless you're talking about drinking an Icy that is fortified with extra Iron.
I'm thinking I've got something going on Saturday... oh, it might be moving my lil sis in law in to college. But I don't think they actually need me, they just want my truck. Hmmm.... talk to me. I think I can swing it.
I don't know about this weekend... perhaps. And maybe it'll be the weekend after that. I need to not suck.
it's not so much that he hit the ball far... because we could usually still see it easily. The trouble was, he hit it 90 degrees to the right, about 2 fairways over.

more than once we made him leave the ball behind. we all reached the best ball, jumped out of the carts. Jason would look around, run towards a cart, jump in, drive all the way back down our fairway, across another, and retrieve his ball. By this time, the remaining three of us will have shot our next shot. Rather than wait for Jason, we proceed to the green to try to move play along. Jason returns to the spot where he left us, proceeds to take a shot, only to lose the found ball in a pond 35 feet away.

I can see the old men now...

Old man 1: "Do you see my ball anywhere?"
Old man 2: "Nope. Maybe somebody picked it up."
Old man 1: "Picked it up? Who would have picked up that ball. I colored it one third blue!"
what?!? Potatoe headed kid with red hair? I don't remember seeing him.
Plus it didn't help that I stared at the spot I picked the ball up from for almost 10 straight minutes...while the old men were driving over the spot looking for their balls with 1000 blue marks on it.
Bode, when you get older, you don't have to worry about losing your balls. You just have to worry about potato headed kids grabbing them.
You have a great blog! Check out my uncle's cheese collection!
hahhaahaha, that's a pretty funny fake spam.
Jess and I are pretty cutting edge... we finally saw American-Hating-Paris-Dweller And The Chocolate Factory. It was very good. I was laughing very hard throughout, and Jessica was laughing so hard she was crying a few times.

The mechanical doll burn unit and "Gloria" the secretary put us over the top.

We only own about 15-20 DVDs, but this is definitely one we'll purchase.
Hmm. I really didn't like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Although the burning dancing figures scene was hilarious. I liked the entire "bad nut" scene a lot as well. Outside of those I still liked the original better.
Please don't say you went to Dukes of Jessica, please don't say you went to Dukes of Jessica...
My favorite thing about going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was seeing my then 3 year old son entertain the crowd more than the actual movie did.

:) Jason was there.
I think Moran would make for a good Lamar.
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