A Worried Wife
Kelly is scared about the next few months. She works at an orthodontists office during the week, although it falls into the part-time range of total hours worked. As almost everybody else is, she is disgruntled with work. As she has done during a number of other school semesters, she will be taking a college course with Tri-C. English. I will concisely express her sentiments with "English? Uggh :(" Now the last piece of the puzzle is that Kelly is starting up Mary Kay. She is already starting to book some parties and she used my credit card to buy a crapload of starting "product". She even has her own website for selling Mary Kay at
http://www.marykay.com/kelly.coyne.moranI know that Kelly will be fantastic at Mary Kay if she puts her heart into it. I mean, Kelly can be fantastic at anything if she puts her heart into it. That is where Kelly gets worried... How much heart can she put behind these commitments if she is getting stressed and stretched thin? I told her that she will be able to do all of it for many reasons. One, I really think she can. Two, I need to stand behind my wife when she tries something and give her the encouragement that I would want if I were in her situation. Three, I look at it through my own eyes. I know that I could handle all of this. If Mary Kay were a manly thing to do and I cared the least bit about beauty products then I would probably try it myself. Therein lies the problem. I'm looking at things through my own eyes, instead of through hers. So that leaves me wondering...am I putting too much pressure on her and being a bad husband or am I being her strength and support to make me a good husband? It's a fine line and I don't know which side I'm on. Typically with these fine line issues I'm actually on the wrong side and don't even know it!