Jason Moran
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I am, as the 1337 (elite) generation would say, "teh suck", or I "sux0rz" at poker!!!!!11oneone1!

Yet, for whatever reason, I keep on playing. It's so easy to justify playing again. The thing with poker amongst friends is that you don't have a rake (casino) taking a percentage of the betting from the pot. Therefore, whatever money was brought into the room is what leaves the room - just in different pockets. Sometimes you win and you think, "Wow, I just had a fun night with my buddies and I'm walking out of here with more money than I cam in with!" Other times you lose and you think, "Wow, I just had a fun night with my buddies." See, that's the problem. No matter what case you end up having a pretty good time. I mean, you have a pretty good time going to a movie, and that ends up costing about what I might lose to a night of poker. Either way, I'm paying for a pretty decent event. The bonus is that sometimes I actually make money.

Over the long term I always lose more than I win, making me either consistently unlucky or, more likely, a bad poker player. I guess I just really don't care. The only time I've ever won, won, and won some more over a length of time was the one and only time I've ever played in Vegas. At least I have that going for me. Next time you get pocket bullets, cowboys, ladies, or hooks just remember that I probably got dealt 2-7 offsuited, so take it easy on me.
Hip? Hop? The hippity hop? Now what does this word say: hippopotamus?

Hip? Hip hop? Hip-hop anonymous? You, you give him all the easy ones!
when you said !PokerStar I thought maybe you were playing online. I have an account at PokerStars. I've never actually played Hold 'em with anybody in person.

I imagine it'd be fun, but I also imagine I'll never do it. Jess would kill me. We already don't see much of each other since we both have jobs.

Hmm, maybe I should withdraw my money from PokerStars.
These comments have left me befuddled. My perplexed eyes are aprehensive of comments to be found hereafter. I regard Bea Arthur with disdain.
Hey now Sammon (a good getaway from the Notorious M.R.S). That's not very nice. On second thought maybe I would like to getaway from the M.R. hummm
Sammon, what kind of new drugs are you on now?
Slap muh fro!
Yeah Angela I agree with you. I think everything was spoken in nerd language or something. Yizzle dizzle my hizzle?
im wit kel and ang
"Quiet everyone, ALL MY CHILDREN is on."
Hoist the jolly roger!
"Kate, it's time for you to put your mouth where our balls are. "
Oh man, I totally forgot about that Dodgeball quote.
"L" for love! Good times.
You should have told him to show up at 8:45 if you wanted him to be there at 9.
Scrotty bollocks! three people posting at the same time?
dangit sammon, no you didn't. You are the boy that cried wolf too many times, aren't you? I have decided that I can no longer believe anything that comes out of your mouth.
Last I checked, voice recognition was free from Microsoft.

Microsoft will one day rule the world.

Oh crap, does that make Bill Gates the antichrist?
That is possible...based on the type of people in his new work environment.
Are you implying Sammon might have developed an "oral fixation"?

I'm lost...
Silly Dave, Google will soon pass up Microsoft as the worlds technological giant. Especially now with google earth, google talk, gmail, the new gbrowser, GFS (google file system), and the rumored google operating system. With these and many more surprise additions google should take over Micro$oft in no time.
yeah, 10 years ago I'd have agreed. Enter AMD. (and exit IBM Power PC)
(I'll admit though, that I built my Media Center around a P4 Prescott. I think that probably had more to do with my love for the ASUS P5AD2-E Deluxe and a growing disdain for AMD's naming conventions. Prior to the new Media Center I built 5 or 6 AMD machines in a row. Heck, my last Intel chip had been the Celeron 300A (awesomely overclockable to 450) that I paid $63 for. )

PS. Have I mentioned my Media Center yet?
You are all TOTAL computer NERDS!!!!! Enough of this nonsense!
...she says as she types away at her keyboard...
Wait, I thought we already agreed he was Lamar.
This comment has been brought to you by the Letter L
"L" for Lamar?
I think AMD controls 10% of the server chipset market share.
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