I am, as the 1337 (elite) generation would say, "teh suck", or I "sux0rz" at poker!!!!!11oneone1!
Yet, for whatever reason, I keep on playing. It's so easy to justify playing again. The thing with poker amongst friends is that you don't have a rake (casino) taking a percentage of the betting from the pot. Therefore, whatever money was brought into the room is what leaves the room - just in different pockets. Sometimes you win and you think, "Wow, I just had a fun night with my buddies
and I'm walking out of here with more money than I cam in with!" Other times you lose and you think, "Wow, I just had a fun night with my buddies." See, that's the problem. No matter what case you end up having a pretty good time. I mean, you have a pretty good time going to a movie, and that ends up costing about what I might lose to a night of poker. Either way, I'm paying for a pretty decent event. The bonus is that sometimes I actually
make money.
Over the long term I always lose more than I win, making me either consistently unlucky or, more likely, a bad poker player. I guess I just really don't care. The only time I've ever won, won, and won some more over a length of time was the one and only time I've ever played in Vegas. At least I have that going for me. Next time you get pocket bullets, cowboys, ladies, or hooks just remember that I probably got dealt 2-7 offsuited, so take it easy on me.