Dan Knows Everything
This post is for the nerds out there that understand software development.
A coworker of mine named Dan makes a bunch of web services, which are basically just methods with an xml interface to and from a subscribing program...and I'll stop there. He takes a guess as to what I'll need to do from my application and he makes the methods to interact with the database and other objects disconnected from the application I'm working in.
So, I'm looking at a method Dan wrote and after nit-picking it apart I decide that out of the 6 things I need it to do, it only does one, plus it does three things that I don't want it to. I go over to Dan to lay down the law and tell him how it is. I took a good 45 minutes structuring my complaints, going over charts and tables, and whining like a little girl. In the end it turns out that his method did everything I was asking for already, and it was way easier to use than I had envisioned with my elaborate schematics.
Too bad Dan's last day is on Wednesday, because once he leaves I'll be writing my own web service logic. I'll end up turning 20 lines of basic code into six methods with insanely complex and very unreasonable approaches to doing basic things.