Jason Moran
Friday, July 29, 2005
  Craptacular House
Our place is so craptacular that it is splendhorrific.

We experienced the half-power thing last night with Mike and Amy over. Anyway, these killer bills will weigh heavier when our rent jumps up $250 more a month next month.

Signed: Not-so-happy-camper in North Olmsted
dang man. i sympathize with some of the things like the toilets and shower. ours are like that. sucks.

with your new job, start tightening the belts for 3-6 months, save the extra $50 here, $100 there, and get yourself into a house.

Either way, if you end up staying or in a new place, let me know if you want help with anything. we'll see if I'm of any value...
Man, Jason, you have given me a GOOD dose of GRATEFULNESS!!! Thank you, God, for my house! :)
jason, i laughed out loud at the ice that tastes like urine!! i thought it was bad in berea that our water tastes kinda sewery, but britta now takes care of that. anyway, maybe you guys can paint a mural over the one you have...but the gas bill...we need to pray for a new house for you guys.
Thanks, Bek, we could really use the prayer for a house of our own with not soooooo many problems!
Kelly why do you never comment on my blog??=( You horrible Lurker you!
Your gas bill maybe was that much for the whole winter, right?? Our is like $300 a month or so, we did budget pay so it is always $115, if I can keep up with that!!
Our rent is getting raised too!!=( Just go rent somewhere else, we might. But really all those problems are easy to fix just with hold rent until the toilets flush!
really... you're paying part or all of the mortgage on that house... if they up the rent, and it's more worthwhile for you to rent/buy somewhere else... your parents will end up with a net rent of $0 if you move out. keep the status quo and everybody's (sort of) happy.
Our gas budget payment is $96 a month! I suggest you really think about how much money you're throwing away on that bill...
We don't do the budget gas payment, so we get a different bill every month. The $700 bill was one of the higher ones, but something has to be wrong...we're getting $100 bills over the summer (and we are NOT doing the budget plan). Maybe we have a leak?
buy, buy, buy . . . it's like paying yourself to live somewhere. worst case senario - you don't make $ on the sale of your home, and you just lived FREE for however long.

(our gas co. gave us $3 this month b/c of an over estimate.)
Our gas co. gave us over $35 for the same reason, it paid for our current bill and we still have over $20 left over for next month...you probably want to look into that Jason
Ok, if the $700 is true. There was definatly a problem, Kelly told me how cold you made her keep it..or was it Kelly sneaking and turning it up really high????? We leave it at 70 ish and freeze our butts off and still pay alot so??? Anyway..point of my story my grandma's house in Lakewood is like 3 times the size and her's aren't even that much )old old windows and all!!
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