Jason Moran
Thursday, January 08, 2009
  RANT: Entitlement Is NOT Your Right
Some things make my blood boil. Boiling blood typically leads to a rant.

Hey all of you "Gen Y"ers or whatever you are called. The 25-and-unders of the world. Those born after 1984, the later the worse. Listen up: You are NOT entitled to just about anything.. I know you think you are, but you are wrong. You are not guaranteed happiness, you are only guaranteed the pursuit of it. The government is not your long lost rich grandparents that will sweep your problems under the rug if you slack off or screw things up. By simply being alive in the United States, you do not necessarily get a free place to live. You do not get to reap of the nation's bounty and eat to your fill. It is not any government's job to take care of your children. School is not a daycare. Even if you stay at home with the kids, the government should not pay you to babysit your own.

Life is hard! Grow up and realize your own personal responsibility! It is the fault of nobody else that you did not study in school and now you aren't qualified for a high paying job. If you got pregnant at 16 years old - buck up and realize it is your responsibility and you really should have just left your panties on. Whoopsie.

What happens when 30 million elderly and needy are on so much expensive medication and hospitalization that Medicaid and Medicare starts costing the government 30 or 40% of the money it can possibly provide? Guess what? It's almost there. At some point the government can't just put a band aid on everything to make it all better. You can wait until the entire system collapses or you can cut out a little bit of what everybody seems to feel entitled to. Is it harsh? Yes - but better than the long-term alternatives.

Let's get back to the modern-day high schoolers and the even younger brats. Don't tell me about the exceptions, there are exceptions to every stereotype. Mommy and daddy don't have to get you everything. You actually don't need a cell phone - and you definitely don't need a texting package. You don't need brand name clothing to survive. Owning every video game system and game gives you bragging rights, but it is a lucky privilege. Driving a car is a privilege, not a right. Go cry about it - nobody is gonna get you a freaking pony.

What about schools that no longer post "Honor Roll" boards on the walls of the school because it will make Johnny or Suzy depressed that they couldn't make the grades. Boo-hoo. Sports that don't keep score so there aren't any losers. Now nobody has any motivation to achieve anything. Now nobody gains any character because apparently the average human has become too frail over the past couple of decades to handle any sort of hardship. If there are no losers then there are no winners. If nobody wins then there's no point to even playing. No wonder the masses are full of unmotivated zombies that aimlessly wander through "life". Everything has become ambiguous and numbed, dulled and jaded. Get off your lazy butt and doing something useful for once.

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mike and i do a little sarcastic bit that we call "the government should". whenever we have a minor complaint or irritant in our life we say "the government should...(fix whatever problem)"

some examples:
the government should shovel my driveway
the government should find my lost sock
the government should make sure mapquest gives accurate directions

try it sometime - if you are having a hard time coming up with lines, just listen to those 25 and unders... :P
The government should give everyone under 25 a nice slap to the face.

Wow, now I feel better.
Old people don't need all that medicine. Well, ok, sure, you could say they do. But 100 years ago we didn't have all that medicine, and all of these operations, and these wacko-jacko insurance companies, and doctor malpractice suits...

Anyway, we take everything for granted. Things arguably COULD degrade to such a point that "the government should" simply run out of the power and ability to do much of anything.

I was watching this old show today called Jeremiah that had a short run on Showtime a few years back. There was a "shop"keeper who papered his walls with US Treasury $100 bills. (This is a post-apocalyptic show after a virus wipes out everyone above the age of innocence). He collects the bills because they're cool, although they're worthless. Their particular economy has reverted to a barter/steal system. Sure, it's a bit extreme, but if you slow down and think for a bit, you'll realize just how much you take for granted.
Ok, this is totally off topic, but you have like 5 or 6 whole readers here, so as Bush makes his egress from office, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on peoples' reflections about Bush's Presidency.

One thing many people point to, still to this day, is that "We di'int fin' no stinkin' WMDs in Iraq." I say bullshit. You really had to search for these in the daily, left-wing, liberal, ca-ca-maymie news media, but these reports were there... We found over 500 WMDs in Iraq.

And dammit if those are just the ones we found that were NOT smuggled across the Syrian/Jordanian border.

Man I hate the news media. And the MTV/Viacom crowd is even worse. I'm so thankful Rupert Murdoch exists. One small voice against the grain of oh so many.
Bush had been trying to change the sub-prime lending laws that led to the housing crisis for years. Not many bring up the fact that Bush had been fighting against the forces that have been the worst hit on our current economy.
The bottom line: something needs to be done about the government. I propose that we all agree that not one current government official be re-elected. This would send a real message to DC diplo-craps.

Someone needs to start a movement - I nominate Moran (the one who has no Jazz talent).
The two-party system is inherently flawed, and George Washington (in all his creepy Masonic wisdom) warned us against it.

I personally took the opportunity to vote for my first ever Libertarian. Libertarians, Alan Keyes, and other 'independent' individuals need to run for LOWER offices instead of always aiming for the Presidency.

I'm pleased to see that Joe Lieberman is now listed as an Independent. I'd kind of like to see McCain go the same route, now that he's back to his non-presidential Republican Party-bucking self.
What should this country invest in? Is it Detroit Automakers? Click here to find out.
Invest? No. We call it "fund" (cough...cough...embezzle...cough) here in America. "We" the people (royal We, of course) decided to fund the poor, poor struggling banks since they are falling on such hard times (a.k.a. gold-plated jet is not available on rush delivery). Thus, they never have to be accountable for the money (a.k.a. ha, ha, ha "a"merica).

Now, if you want some real interesting math, how much money would it cost to give each TAX PAYING household $100,000? You know, the people who are actually in trouble? Now, does that amount exceed 700 Billion Dollars? Or the 7-11 Trillion Dollars that the Bailout will actually cost?
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