Jason Moran
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
  Bigger Than You Can Imagine
I bet you I can think of something bigger than whatever you can think of (and your thing can't be God or the Universe). It's probably not THE biggest thing out there, but it's the biggest thing humans have found thus far: Giant Amoeba-Like Blob From Outer Space. It's 200 million light years wide. It actually contains a bunch of galaxies and lots and lots of gas. A light year is the distance light would travel in one year (light is the fastest moving thing we really know about). You could also use "Parsecs", which is 3.3 light years.

Anyway, that blob is mind bogglingly enormous. It reminds me of the not-all-that-uncommon concept that heaven/hell might actually be somewhere out in space. Ridiculous? Maybe. The scary movie Event Horizon basically found an alternate dimension in outer space which turned out to be Hell. It's a remnant of times long ago, but people commonly look up at the skys when they are referring to heaven. It's just like the search for the Garden of Eden or the search for Atlantis. In that same way scientists are searching for the "center of the universe", or the starting point. Since the universe appears to be ever expanding, perhaps it all started expanding from a single point (goes along with the whole Big Bang Theory).

Anyway, there's some side thought that twists that idea around to be that the so-called center of the universe is the physical location of heaven. Do I believe this? Nope. But it's a pretty fun concept to entertain. What if we could find some sort of special location where physics/time behaved differently or some long lost alien civilization. I know it's not out there, but I guess I just like to imagine it could.
Speaking of amoebacites, friends of ours have these giant types of Bryozoans growing/floating in their pond called Pectinatella magnifica. More pictures and descriptions.

The particular byrozoans in our friends' pond are about as big as a human torso, much larger than the reported maximum size of a 'football'.

These things are actually animals, not plants. They resemble some alien life form or pod. Or, if you've ever seen the movie Gremlins, the pods that the Mugwai turn into when exposed to water.

Someone from Case Western is supposed to be coming out to their place to study these rare and prehistoric simple, colonial organisms.
Eww. I just imagined those blobs growing bigger and bigger until they were 200 million light years in size. That'd be pretty gross.
yuck! one of those pictures look like coils of poop. so gross.
Mmmm, poop coils.

Wait, this time it wasn't me that turned Jason's blog into a discussion about poop!
I think Bode needs to get in touch with Tom Cruise.

Just be careful, if you ever leave their cult, they'll come after you for everything you own.
Bode, good point.
Oh, and Dave, I don't think Bode has anything to do with Xenu (or any religion that has an alien overlord named Xenu as part of it's canon).

Bode, you bring up a great point. I also wonder...if space is "ever expanding"? How do we know where the "end of space" is? What if you managed to get to the other side of the end?
Yeah, I honestly don't know where I stand on potential life somewhere else. I mean, could God have created the Earth Bible and the Planet X Bible?

Is there an Earth Jesus Christ and a Planet X Jesus Christ?
That's a great story. Waiting for more. » » »
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