Jason Moran
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
  Guide To Getting Huge II
You aren't huge yet? Well let me tell you about a little bit more to get you over those hurdles.

I will cover these 3 areas:ZMA. It'll zap some zinc and magnesium into your body. Through lifting you use up too much of your body's zinc and magnesium, which will drop your testosterone levels. Therefore, taking ZMA will indirectly help to keep your testosterone levels high (which will help with your lifting energy). A great side effect is that you will sleep like a baby and have wild dreams. Those dreams alone are worth the money.

Omega-3 Fish Oils, Flaxseeds Oils and other fatty oils/lipids. These are commonly deficient in many people. They encourage healthy cell membranes and are good for your brain.

A daily multi-vitamin. These are essential as they will actually help your body to assimilate the protein and creatine you might be taking. Most studies have shown that removing the daily multi-vitamin greatly reduces the effectiveness of most other supplements.

Caffeine. This doesn't mean go and drink coffee non-stop. You can take caffeine pills to stimulate your muscles. Do you ever have days when lifting is "easy" and other days when you just don't have it? Caffeine will help to get rid of those drowsy days.

Glutamine. Most heavy lifters operate in a deficient state of glutamine, which is a conditionally essential amino acid. It is used during lifting, and overtraining can deplete your levels. By taking a little glutamine to aid your natural stores, you should have more energy to lift weights. Amino2222 and others will also help with your amino acids.

Lastly, some people put their faith into Animal Pak, claiming it is the ultimate muscle gaining supplement out there. Animal Pak is loaded with like 8 million different things, but somehow it scares me. I'm also scared of Uni-Liver. I mean, when you take a freshly slaughtered cow's liver, flash freeze it and put it into pill format...why would I want to take it? I mean, sure, putting a bunch of highly concentrated animal hormones into my body might make me HUGE...but I dunno if I want to try it.

Whether it is taking supplements or lifting weights, true gain will only last a short while. After a little bit of time your body gets used to the things you are feeding it, and your muscles get used to the workouts you are making them do. Therefore, you should cycle after a while. Maybe 6-8 weeks. Once your body gets shocked with new supplements and a radically different pattern in working out you'll keep it guessing and your muscles will keep on growing. I only discovered this truth very recently, but it is this fact that has helped to push me past a plateau I've been stuck at for months.

Lastly, the style of lifting you do changes what impact it will have on your body. Remember how I said testosterone helps stimulate your muscles? Well, lots of people only focus on their upper body. The two best excercises for overall strength are squats and deadlifts. Those two exercises stimulate natural releases of testosterone, making all of your other lifting more effective.

Whether you are doing lots of repetitions or maxing yourself out after only a handful or reps makes a difference in how your body responds as well. Strength and size come primarily from low rep lifting, while leanness and cuts often come from higher reps and less rest in between sets.

All in all it depends on what you want to achieve and what body type you have (ectomorphs, mesomorphs, and endomorphs.)
Ectomorphs – have short upper body, long arms, legs, and has very little fat storage. The chest and shoulders are generally narrow with long, thin muscles.
Mesomorphs – have large chests, long torso, solid muscle structure, and can gain muscles quite easily without putting on too much extra body fat.
Endomorphs – have wide hips, round face, short neck, and can gain and store body fat very easily.
Most people are combinations. I, myself, am about a 75%-25% mix of Mesomorph and Endomorph. If only I had less Endomorph and more Ectomorph. Sure, I'd have trouble gaining muscle, but at least I wouldn't be so fat. (Tony and Jean have mostly Ectomorphic bodies).
Dave's guide to getting huge:

Eat two Dunkin' Donuts bagels with cream cheese for breakfast.

Eat Chipotle with Chips for lunch.

Get cookies from vending machine.

Eat dinner.

Eat ice cream.
Oh, and I think your statement on caffeine makes one huge assumption. That the person ingests caffeine already as a part of their routine diet. Thus, the lows that they experience when they do not have a supply of caffeine.

Someone like myself, who has been caffeine-free since February, would not experience these highs and lows to such an extreme.
That's actually not the exact reason. However, I will admit that caffeine works better for aerobic exercise than anaerobic. Check this out, though:
What if someone eats lunch at noon and then does aerobic exercise at 6:00 p.m.? Is this enough of a fast to get the full benefits of aerobic exercise?

TA: I'm afraid this would not work out very well. You see, the "starvation time" must be longer than six hours before you encounter a significant increase in fat burning. The ideal time of fasting for optimal fat loss is around 10-12 hours, depending on the amount of glycogen you have stored at the onset of the fast.
Sammon with 2 serious comments in a row!?!

My goals are gonna be hard to reach, and I don't know the best path to get there. I want to be able to lift about 10% more than I currently can, which should increase my muscle size a tad all while actually LOSING 10 pounds from where I'm at now (190).

I'm at about 19% body fat already, so having that level of muscle without the body weight would put me at around 12-13% body fat.
Hmm. I guess I did gear these articles towards males, but man, I didn't even get a single comment from the ladies. The ladies can benefit from the Omega-3 fish oil and flaxseed oil and multivitamins, too!

Nobody cares, I guess. By the way, Dave, I really like your guide to getting huge. I do that at least once a week in addition to my usual pattern.
<speculation>Bode got fired.</speculation>
<fact>Bode did not get fired</fact>
<addendum>Bode got bought.</addendum>
i'm commenting from my mobile phone!

Dave is a dork.

I forgot to make a new blog today
sorry i don't know what to say. except do i really want to increase my testosterone levels?
How about a Guide to Getting Slim?
Honey, what did you mean when you said: well boys, as always, the shlong is long and all the honeyz want are deez....?
Guide to Getting Slim?
I couldn't write that. I've been trying to lose 10 pounds for 3 years. All I've managed to do in that time is gain 5 pounds.
Bode do you honestly think Jason will make it to 1000 posts given his history. He's never been good with stamina...at least since I've known him.
Hey, ease up on my boy. There's nothing wrong with being slow as a nice firm dookie as it pokes its head out like a turtle.
Dale! He takes the short bus to work every day!
Jason Moran takes it and likes it
The only way you are going to get huge is with a pump, buddy.
Jason likes the B==========D.
we've known that since he was in the first grade.
Hey Jason - impressed with all of the research but you've missed a key ingredient: water. Your body needs it to just function, let alone if you're trying to make it bigger.
Are you actually working out or are you just talking about working out?
I'm mostly all talk (this time this is the real Jason). I definitely realize the importance of water! I definitely did not list the absolute be-all-end-all of getting huge guides.

I'm half-expecting Jason to post his Guide to Getting Ryan Reynolds soon.
I wish I knew who anonymous (IN CAPS) was. I think I have an idea, but I guess it really could be anybody.
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