Jason Moran
Friday, June 30, 2006
  Guide To Getting Huge
Do you wanna get ripped?! Have muscles stretching the fibers of your shirts? I'll give you the exact recipe to be HUGE. I'll give you the expert advise you need to have that body you've always wanted!

Okay, maybe not.

I have, however, been researching the ins and outs of weightlifting, nutrition, diet, and supplements. I have been having many, many people ask me in the recent weeks whether I have been lifting lately. Well, duh, why do you think I am bigger? I have not been lifting any harder than before. I have just gotten smarter at it. Your diet and supplements have so much to do with the effectiveness of your workout.

Most people know that protein is the main building block for muscles. Therefore, if you lift weights and your muscles are looking around for something to build more muscle with (because your workout has signaled them that you need more muscles to handle the load you are putting on them), then it needs some building blocks. To make that more clear, I'm saying that a workout is nearly wasted if you do not have excess protein available for your muscles to build with.

That means that you should take some protein in after a workout is over. For even better effectiveness you take protein all day to really saturate your body with protein.

Another helpful item that comes naturally in chicken, beef, fish, and certain other foods is "creatine monohydrate". You usually eat 2-3 grams of creatine a day. For those of you that took college chemistry you might remember learning about how ATP is basically an energy store your body uses when you need to move. Creatine is naturally stored in your muscles as one of the sources of ATP (You also store glucose - a sugar - and fat as other sources of ATP). Anyway, if you take your daily intake of creatine from 2-3 grams up to 7-8 grams...you'll have way more ATP. What does that mean? It means that you'll have an extra burst of energy and endurance while lifting weights. For example, say you try lift for 3 sets of 8, but you actually get 8, 8, then only 6 because you ran out of steam. With creatine you'll get 8, 8, 8, and probably another 8 because you have a strong store of ATP.

Creatine powder will just pass through, and you don't want to "piss away your money". Therefore, creatine should be taken with a bunch of dextrose. The purposes of that is two-fold: First of all, know that dextrose is just another term for glucose, a main source of your body's ATP (energy). The main reason, though, is dextrose works as a delivery system. Basically you take the creatine in with the dextrose, and your body freaks out because you just increased your blood-sugar levels a bunch. Therefore, your body pumps you full of insulin to handle that sugar. Insulin takes sugar and packs it into your cells. Guess what? While it's packing sugar into your cells, it's taking creatine along for the ride and packing it in there too!

BEWARE: That sugar is NOT GOOD if you are not weightlifting. If you just take your creatine/dextrose mix without lifting weights then it will convert itself into fat and you will increase your chances for becoming diabetic. However, with lifting, it all gets converted right away for ATP and all is good. The other side effect is that you will be very thirsty because the packing into your cells requires excess water. This has a pro/con effect. You will be drinking water/peeing ALL OF THE TIME. However, your muscles will fill up with water weight and you will appear to be much, much bigger in your muscles.

Wow...I had no idea this would take up so much space! Well, I have covered the top two supplements so far. I will finish up the last couple in my next post. Until then...keep on working out and staying healthy!
If you want to bypass all the hard work you can take, "Pat Robertson's Age-Defying Protein Shake"

i have been wondering if i should take a protien sup. i've also heard that you can just have a spoonful of cottage cheese before and after a workout. what do you think of that?
very interesting stuff. i do eat a lot of sugars and lift a 30 pound child throughout the day. hopefully i'll be ripped soon.
oh wait. i'm already huge. (come ON baby)
Yay diabetes! Let's all get diabetic together!

bleah! That just sounds like an awful idea. It's like playing russian ruolette with nutrition.

Knowing me, I'd get into a routine of eating all that stuff, but then find myself too busy to lift, and I'd be screwed.
See, that's the dividing point, Dave. The people that decide to take the next step to actually consume creatine already have a rigid workout schedule in place. Those that do not have a regular workout wouldn't even consider taking creatine (unless they are pretty stupid), so it evens out in the end.

And Bek, just eating lots of sugars is actually NOT a good thing, because you are most likely eating sucrose-like sugars. Those are not good sugars. Those are the sugars that moms yell at kids for eating too much of.
Oh, and Terry, you know that shake works when a decrepid old man like Pat Robertson can squat 1000 pounds (even if it's only over a 1 inch range of motion...).

Amy, yes, cottage cheese is full of easily digested protein. Personally, I need more protein than a single spoonful would provide. If I want to eat a bowl of cottage cheese before and after, that would work. However, it would get expensive and I think I would tire of cottage cheese that often.
Cottage cheese isn't really all that expensive, even considering how milk has double in price over the last 3 years.

Furthermore, it'd be filling you up and would (hopefully) preclude you from gorging yourself on two Deep Sea Doubles from Rally's.

Lastly, I find it really disgusting that Pat Robertson's milkshake brings Terry and Jason to the yard.
No creatine glucose stuff...yet.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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