Housewarming Party on Saturday
I will be having a housewarming party at my house on Saturday. I sent out a couple of emails, but I hijacked some lists of emails to do so. That means that I have more than likely forgotten a few. That doesn't mean I don't like you and it doesn't mean you can't come. Just call me on my cell phone and ask about how to get there (and I just might give you the actual directions).
For now please ignore the phone number that I sent out with the first email...they have disabled our phone and will re-enable it soon with a new number. Apparently we got some Denny's number and we were getting calls all day long about it. When we complained they said they didn't think our number was supposed to be activated yet. Anyway...
7:00 PM, Saturday May 13th, My new house. Oh oh, let me give Kelly a hand with food by saying this: "You are permitted to bring some food if you would like to". Anyway, just remember that we don't have a yard so this will be indoors only (and the house is not exactly HUGE).