Eliminate Residency Requirements
Lots of outdated laws are on the books for a couple of Ohio cities (Cleveland is a prime example) which dictate that once somebody gets a job that is paid for by the city, it is against the law for them to move out of that city. The freedom of those individuals is being oppressed. On Thursday a vote will be made that will help to further the overturning of those laws. They are counting every single phone call and email in support of this bill, so an email to each of these representatives makes a big difference. It only takes a couple of minutes, so why not help out my parents who are directly affected by this (they can't move into the new house they bought!) along with every other oppressed individual.
Short Sample Letter:Dear Representative,
I am writing requesting your support of SB82. I am grateful for your part in bringing Justice to all the citizens in Ohio.
Mike Mitchell district26@ohr.state.oh.us
Peter S. Ujvagi district47@ohr.state.oh.us
Brian G. Williams district41@ohr.state.oh.us
Kenny Yuko district07@ohr.state.oh.us
Jeff Wagner district81@ohr.state.oh.us
Kathleen L. Walcher district58@ohr.state.oh.us
Kathleen Chandler district68@ohr.state.oh.us
John Domenick district95@ohr.state.oh.us
Lorraine M.Fende district62@ohr.state.oh.us
Thom Collier district90@ohr.state.oh.us
David T. Daniels district86@ohr.state.oh.us
Diana M. Fessler district79@ohr.state.oh.us
Jim McGregor district79@ohr.state.oh.us
Joseph W. Uecker district66@ohr.state.oh.us
Larry Wolpert district23@ohr.state.oh.us
Courtney Eric Combs district54@ohr.state.oh.us
Jim Aslanides district94@ohr.state.oh.us
Tom Brinkman, Jr district34@ohr.state.oh.us
Danny R. Bubp district88@ohr.state.oh.us
Better Sample Letter:
Dear Representative ,
My name is [[name]]. I am writing today to ask you to (thank you for your) support SB 82, which is up for a vote in Committee next Thursday. Ohio's outdated residency laws have impacted me and my family by (please give a short -- probably no more than 3 or 4 sentences, description).
As Senator Grendell, Representative Flowers, and the proponents of SB 82 have shown the committee, passing SB 82 is not only the right thing to do, it is fully within the constitutional authority of the Ohio General Assembly to abolish residency. Home rule is an important part of Ohio's legal heritage, but cities cannot rightly argue home rule powers to override the individual rights of Ohio Citizens. Moreover, Article 2, Section 34 of the Ohio Constitution explicitly provides the Legislature to address issues of the public workforce and declares that right superior to any other provision.
For these reasons and many others not listed here, I would respectfully request that you support SB 82 in House Committee and that you urge the Speaker and House Leadership to bring the bill before the entire House of Representatives.
Sincerely,[[Your name]]
[[Your Contact Information]]