Jason Moran
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
  Things I Didn't Get For Christmas
1. iPod Nano.
2. XBox 360.
3. A garden hose (I dunno, I like to water stuff...)
4. Copper gloves.
6. A remote controlled mouse!!

You can read about it here. The article only mentions remote controlled mice in passing, but how cool would it be to have a remote controlled mouse! What if you had, like, 1000 of them? Even if you broke one of them (ie killed one), you could keep on playing around with it. What fun would it be! You could stand at the edge of an 8-lane busy intersection and play frogger with your little mouse. You could tie a mini-camera to your mouse and have semi-hidden mobile surveillance. Heck, you could send notes to roomates/wives via your RC Mouse! Man, if I could just get my hands on one of these I would be a happy, happy man.
You'd also bear a striking resemblance to Lennie from Of Mice and Men.
Jason you have deep issues that I think you should take care of. A remote controlled mouse? And, hey at least you didn't get the stomach flu and then canned soup for Christmas. Soup in a can, just what I've always wanted.
Jason you make me laugh.
So what did you get?
A remote controlled car? What? You don't even understand these fun games. A remote controlled car needs batteries, can get flipped over, gets stuck on rocks and grass, cannot go up and down stairs, and does not eat cheese. Most importantly, everybody EXPECTS you to control an RC car...but an RC mouse? That's just pure awesomness.
I got some cool shirts, a bunch of tools, a home depot gift card (so I can buy a hose later!), some playing cards, a pillow, some jeans, some dvds, etc. I like Christmas now. You get a bunch of gifts scattered over different days and different houses. That was never true for me until I got married.
yeah, yeah how about some cheese with your wine. Well I didn't get what I wanted either. Here's what i wanted for Christmas and didn't get from Jason:

1. The Latest "how to" book by Kelly Moran (kelmo) entitled "How to write proper sentences and paragraphs on blogs."

2. A moustache - Nothing says I love you more than growing a Christmas Moustache for your wife.

3. Bo Bice - what i would give for an evening with that man

4. Arsless Chaps to wear to bingo on thurs nights

5. A new spittoon

6. Thicker toilet paper - it's pretty embarrasing when you have to drive to your parents house to go #2 because of the cheap tp your husband buys.
Nothing better to do huh??
okay, for at first i thought you were talking about a remote controlled COMPUTER mouse. and i was like "weird. how would that work? like you use a remote control to tell it where to click. that would be a little redundant." but alas, now i see you meant a RC rodent. i just can't see why anyone would want one of those. i just can't see it.
this is totally unrelated, but jason you would've liked this: this morning israel was dancing around the house with the kungfu hamster singing in one hand and a metal spatula waving in the other. every now and then he would squat down and start beating the hamster with his spatula. it was just too much. thought you'd like to know that your hamster is getting good use.
That's great. I used to do the same thing.
Oh dear, oh dear...I'm laughing so hard! RC mice!!
Now I do like the KungFu hamster and spatula bit. :)
BTW...I notice you have ska listed as favorite music...ever hear of the Toasters?
I have heard of the Toasters...although I don't have any of their music.
Jason, you gave away the kung foo hamster i gave you. That makes me sad...at least Iz-A is enjoying it. That makes me a little less sad.
LOL - Okay Bek - my first thought was RC Mouse for the computer to - I thought - how cool - I could pay bills while laying on the couch across from the computer - what fun...but alas - knowing Jason - I should have thought RC rodent as well...Kung Fu Hamster? Oh my!

Jason - Hope you and Kelly had a great Christmas...and hope you got a few things that you DID want...lol.
Ha! Seriously, the whole Iz, hamster, spatula thing is the very reason they invented camcorders...that's hysterical!
alas, i did NOT catch it on camera or film. i think i was just caught up in the moment laughing too hard. and kelmo, iz does thoroughly enjoy the hamster, but if you ever miss it, feel free to come over and beat it with a spatula.
Kelmo, why does it make you sad that I am spreading the cheerful goodness of the Kung Fu Hamster around? I had my fun with it for a little while, and now it has been passed along such that others can enjoy is Kung Fu-ness.
Ooo Ooo, Jason, guess what . . . .

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!! You got spamed!!!!!
Ooo Ooo, Jason, guess what . . . .

Things I didnt get this Christmas:
A new House
New Car
New Bedroom furniture
New Kitchen table
New 5,000 dollar wardrobe ;-)

Kidding. I got plenty. I dont need much. Happy New Year.
I don't even know if you'll read this comment, but I gotta tell you, after I was reading blogs yesterday, I had this really weird dream that I went to Starbucks to ask them to host a mechanical hamster race, the winner getting a lifetime supply of Starbucks, and then my car got stolen...I blame the entire dream on you : )
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