Jason Moran
Monday, December 19, 2005
  Conspiracies: Government
DISCLAIMER: I don't buy into most of these ideas. However, that won't prevent me from spreading the ideas around.

Hopefully at least some of you dear readers have heard of the conspiracies surrounding government chemtrails, HAARP, weather warfare, and mind control.

I can't even get very deep into any of these subjects, but just do an internet search and hundreds of thousands of websites describing the dark details will be returned. Many of these are not simply believed in by some crackpot with a feeble mind, many have been analyzed and some very intelligent folks out there attest to these conspiracies.

Chemtrails are what you and I may know as contrails...the white smoke trailing behind various airplanes. This, the most widely believed in government conspiracy today, is actually full of chemicals intended to affect human beings. Some arguments go back and forth over whether it is intended as a nation-wide behavioral test, mind control, passivity-inducing, or a whole slew of other possibilities.

HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is operated jointly by the U.S. Navy, Air Force and several universities and is located in Gakona, eastern Alaska. Nicola Tesla patented weather influencing machinery before 1910, and explained how it could be used to control weather thousands of miles away. One reason HAARP was created was supposedly to communicate with submarines deep in the ocean using ELF radio waves which can penetrate the ocean as well as the earths surface. Some people have heard HAARP is being used to modify the atmosphere, affect the weather, repair the ozone layer or even control the jet-stream. Other people believe there is a world-wide network of HAARP transmitters to send out waves which can affect brain cells and control human behavior. Others believe the HAARP transmitter can emulate terrestrial waves which can produce earthquakes.

How many of you have heard that the recent hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes are actually not natural, but instead creations of the government? Supposedly Hurricane Katrina was an out-of-control test of the weather control system. Others think it was entirely intentional. Some people believe that by sending the proper ELF radio waves through the ionosphere moisture can be brought to or prevented from going to drought-ridden areas. Some also believe that weather terrorism is something to be more fearful of than most have ever even imagined.

I don't personally think the government has any useful control over the weather, but, perhaps that is just the mind control telling me what to think...
Triv went nuts for a few days last year talking about all the jet fighter activity in our skies over northeast Ohio and the contrails and chemtrails. The first day they were talking seriously about this stuff, someone or something knocked WTAM 1100, one of the biggest radio stations in the nation, off the air.

They were definitely on to something.
Supposedly, a simple, non-conspiracy oriented explanation for some contrail activity is "the X". When fighters are trying to search and/or clear an area, they will mark the sky with an X over a region to signify an all-clear.

See this here.
Oh it's far too tempting for me to turn into a conspiracy theorist. here's an interesting read. Read down to the last comment.

It sounds ludicrous that our government would attack its own people and keep such dastardly secrets from us... but is it really? Haven't we read about history time and time again where an empire subjects its own people to unbelievable deeds? What about the USSR? Nazi Germany? East Germany post-WWII. The Stazi. The Nazi German obsession with the occult. Saddam Hussein's operations against the Kurds, sure, but his own people as well.

The US Military. Know someone who's in it? Unless something gets the attention of the US media... if you're required to get an immunization or other shot, and you refuse, you've just refused an order. They can get you to do or ingest practically anything they want.
Oh no, I've triggered the "Conspiracy Alert" switch in dave.
very interesting...freaky...keep the info coming...but what if people are just so bored with their lives they have to make things like this up?
I don't want to know more. I will get all freaked out. So if I don't know, then I won't have to worry!!
Yikes. Do you sleep at night?
Ignorance is bliss. Those are old words renewed by their inclusion in The Matrix. Cypher made a deal with Neo's antithesis, Agent Smith. He is sick of knowing and fighting, and instead wants to live his life without knowing what he knows.

Fortunately, good beat evil.
To quote a new blogging buddy of mine "FREAKY DEAKY"!!!
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