Jason Moran
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
  Blog Reading Made Easier
I had an idea a few months back to make this whole blog reading thing easier. I would write a program to grab the blog posts from all of my friends and put them on my website. I started programming it one day back then and forgot about it. Over the weekend I put a little bit more time into it, and you can see the progress here: http://www.jason-moran.com/default.aspx.

So, you can click on somebodies name and it will load their blog's text onto the page. You can click on what I am currently calling the "Load Blogger Posts" link and after it thinks for about 10 seconds you will see the newest headlines (the newest posts) for all of the friends.

If you click on a name and you start reading somebody's post, you can click on the title of the post (in large, bold, white lettering) and it will take you to their post so that you can leave a comment and view the other comments for that post.

The dilemma is that the pictures won't load onto www.jason-moran.com because it is an external site. Now, if you have already viewed the pictures (by going to the actual blog sites at name.blogspot.com you will see the images...but only then. If I can't see how many comments have been left and I can't get the images to load...should I keep on working on this at all? At this point I don't know. I'll let all of you decide whether it's 1.great, 2.okie dokie, 3.eh--not all that.
Hmmm, do I say what I really think... 3... or say 1 and let you toil away mindlessly to no avail...?
Dangit...I need to find a way around google's blocking the pictures. I would also like to find the comment count...but that isn't blogger's fault (the technology I'm using to get the blog posts remotely does not support comments)
thats pretty cool! except i agree with tab, its really not that difficult to read blogs, you just click on their link....and on your website you are still clicking on their name....??
Sorry Bek, gotta say it. Your pic makes you look like Ronald McDonald.
That's not a real website.
Okay, looks like I will be the only one to use it. The useful feature is the "Load Blogger Posts" link because you can instantaneously see everybody at once and see if they have made a new post. Otherwise, it's just as fast as the old way. You click on the name and see their post (just like before), then you click on the title of the post to view the comments (Before you used to click on the comments button to see the comments. Heck, I can add a button that says "view comments" if it makes it easier for people.

I was just about to give up until I realized that even if I was the only person to use this for efficiecy, that would be enough.
I feel so left out.
hum... Thats cool but could you get it to show the dates the articles were posted? just so you can see if they are new posts, or highlight the ones that have been put up in the last 24 hrs? just an idea. You can now steal that and make millions because I did not act on it:) lol
Also if you could get the blog post titles to come up with your web page so your not clicking a button just to load the titles? Come on you obviously have a lot of time on your hands. ;)
I don't get why you went to all the trouble Jason. Just download the free sharpreader client (www.sharpreader.net) and add all your friends blogs. Then you can see who made new posts. You'll even get "toast", the little notifications that pop up in the lower right hand corner of your monitor.

Shizzle fo dizzle nizzle.

Ok, I don't know what shizzle fo dizzle nizzle means.

I'm white. Yeah, I can just picture some 60 year old white woman saying shizzle fo dizzle nizzle. No, I'm not saying I'm a 60 year old white woman. Ok, now this comment sounds like a Kelmo blog post.
Dude, Aut, I'm sorry, are you not on the list? Hmm...hopefully I didn't forget anybody else.
Although, Amy, what are you talking about? You are on the list.
Caleb and Dave:
Caleb, I could put the dates there...I don't because I simply remember which posts I have read already, so if it's not one I've read, then I check out their blog. I also don't load them right away because it takes about 10 seconds to load them all, and I didn't want people waiting if they didn't want to load the newest titles for everybody.

Dave, of course you and I could use sharpreader, but nobody else is going to use it. I was making this so that everybody could use my website if they wanted to. Plus you don't need to install anything to make it work.
okay okay. it is a little bright, but a blogger friend did it for me, so i thought i'd try it out. i have the worst trouble with profile pics!
Ok, now Jason's just padding his comments total. Let the record show that prior to this comment this post had 23 comments of which only 3 belonged to me. That's got to be some kind of record.

And why isn't everybody going to use SharpReader? If they can use IE (which is free) they can use SharpReader (which is also free).

Yizzle Dazzle.
Out of my sight! Thou dost infect my eyes. I shall live to knock thy brains out.
Jason - I think it is cool that you were willing to figure this out - the only draw back I see is not having pictures.
Oh when did nerdiness become cool?

either that or he's smoking a joint.
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