Jason Moran
Thursday, November 17, 2005
  The Best Superpowers

Would you fly? I mean, if you were superhumanly able to suddenly fly around in the air like Superman, would you? Which superpowers would you want?

If you were able to concentrate and drop 1000 pound iron turds out of your butt, you would stop concentrating so hard, wouldn't you? Super strength? Feet like the Flash? Inpenetrable skin (thus, bulletproof)? What if your power wasn't all that super. Like, maybe your one hand was double the normal size of a hand and made out of stone...but you could still move it.

What about the downside? I mean, a huge hand like that would not fit in a glove. A ring to fit it would have to be specially made and would get all scratched up. That bulletproof skin would probably have severely diminished sensation in order to be consistant. I mean, if most stuff felt the same then how freakin' bad would a gun shot feel? If it didn't hurt that bad, then something like the touch of a rose petal wouldn't create a feeling. If you were really as fast as the Flash, you'd be going through shoes every week and ripping all kinds of pants apart. If you had all kinds of superpowers then you would have to devote the rest of your life to aiding law enforement, military, etc. What if you wanted a vacation and somebody bombed a building? Man, no more vacations for you.

Hey, what if you had to work at your superpower. Like, without working out you didn't have very much super strength. Without proper moisturizing and skin treatment your bullet proof skin would flake off. Without running 500 miles a day you weren't quite as super fast. Maybe it's not like riding a bicycle, and after not flying around for a few weeks you sort of forgot how to do it.

You know what doesn't make almost any sense? Invisibility. That would most likely only effect the pigment of living cells on your body. Therefore, unless you shaved your head and had a really good loofa, you'd still see your thousands of dead skin cells and hair all over your body. Not to mention clothes. If you really wanted to be invisible you'd have to be naked. I don't know about you, but I don't like sneaking around dark alleys and stuff barefoot. Lastly, what about dust and smoke and random particles. Just look at a beam of sunlight coming into a dark room of your house...see all of those floating particles? You would easily see the outline of a person with those in decently lit areas. To me, being invisible would only work under certain optimal circumstances.

I think my favorite ability would be the ability to instantly download information and understanding into my brain like they did in the Matrix. Not only would your brain have access to the information like pages in a book, but you would respond as if you already have fully learned it and your instincts and reflexes respond as if you have always known how to do whatever it is that was downloaded. I would love to devout 10 years to becoming an expert guitar player. Years to be able to skateboard like Tony Hawk. Years to be able to write computer code like an expert. Years to be able to develop my artistic abilities. Years to learn how to be a Mr. Fix-it with cars, homes, yards, machinery, stone masonry, roofing, plumbing, electrical work, networking, accounting, writing poetry... The list goes on.

If life was like Groundhog Day and I had an unlimited time to better myself in every area of my life...that is what I'd truly like. I would like every year of my life to have 10 times more time in it. Maybe that's why some old grandpas will suggest never wasting your life and to make sure that you don't get too caught up in the daily grind. I guess you just have to grab the bull by the horns.
Hmmm... superhero power I'd want.
I think I'd like to be ABNORMALLY STRONG! and like a really good fighter. You know the kind of fighter than no one could ever defeat. I'd be like the unstopable short... uh mom.

I say that because I am SO not strong. I thought having a baby would help me build up some strength... but you know... I'm still pretty weak haha.
Although carrying around a 25 pound baby boy... has really helped my MUSCLES! :-D

But yea.. I'd want to be really strong! or be one of those shapeshifter peoples.

Alright bye!
Jason...I like your idea of 'stopping time' - like they did in that kis movie "Clockstoppers" - they ran around at Hyperspeed - while the rest of the world was in slow M O T I O N....Anyway, if I could pop into 'Hyperspeed' and get all those necessary things done - in order to spend more time with my family - that would be way cool!

The other superhero thing I would love - would be to be like 'Violet' from the "Incredibles" - she could be invisible - sometimes I feel like I have that power already - lol - no really - I think it would be cool to help people without them knowing it - while being 'invisible'...
i want superpowers. i was seriously just thinking yesterday how i want to fly. for one i could fly from my parking spot at the back of walmart to the front door in the bitter cold. but for two, i could do some awesome dance moves if i could suspend in the air. anyway, i pick flying. and drea, i know how you feel. my little one is 25 pounds too. :) but if i could fly, maybe i could teach my son to fly too.
honey you also forgot to mention that you wish that you had super pee powers...you kept talking about how you would have the ability to put out small fires and randomly pose as a human fountain statue in malls around the country
O.O What? hahaha
Imposter Kelly AGAIN!

I am not sure what super power I would want. How but ALL of them. Impossible I know=)
New post... new post!
New Choice!

Anybody watch Drew Carey's Green Screen Show??
Eh, on Whose Line is it Anyway? and The Green Screen Show he's just another Hollywood actor. Not so stigmatized with Cleveland. When it comes to Improv, he (and his crew) can be very funny, and very good.

I'm still looking for Wayne Brady to land on a sitcom. He had his own middle-of-the-day-woman-talk-show thing that flopped. Not his cup of tea. He's one of the most talented things to come out of Hollywood in decades.

Watching him is a little like listening to some really good Indy music. Refreshing, not your average run of the mill crap that the entertainment world tries to throw at us.
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