We Bought A House
Kelly and I bought a Ryan Home in Brunswick Hills last night. I can't really believe it. I mean, it's just a little bit crazy to me, but last night I bought a house. A house. I bought a house. A real one.
¶ 6:58 AM
AAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhh!!! Oh my gosh we bought a house!!!! Yeah! I can't wait!!!
So Dave, I heard you guys are looking for houses! Well, have fun and try not to get stressed out about it J and I kinda were. We'll be praying for you guys that you find the perfect house!
Thanks Kelly. We are looking, but we're also taking our time. We don't have to move. We just think we want to. In all honesty we don't know what to do. I guess we need to hand it over to God.
I guess it's kind of like the study we're supposed to lead monday night. "Faith is a child of Fear."
I definitely plan on making updates for every major step the house takes. Maybe at the end I'll make a little dvd picture collage movie that nobody will want to see yet we'll show to people anyway.
Here's a buddy of mine's house from last year. ImageStation Album. Cost to have built was $200,000 plus the half acre lot for $50,000. He did nothing himself. Pretty sweet place. Imagine you could save a pretty penny doing some of this yourself.
Dave, you sound like you are starting to pump yourself up over building a house. It is definitely an interesting route to take. Maybe if I get a little equity and spare money sitting around I could (someday) build my own abode.
Mr. Ah be baaad... Sammon, whut ya''ve plum said be one uh de most insanely idiotic doodads ah' have eva' heard. At no point in yo' ramblin', incoherent response wuz ya' even close t'nuthin dat could be considered some rashunal dought. Man! Everyone in dis room be now dumba' fo' havin' listened t'it. Man! ah' award ya' no points, and may God gots mercy on yo' soul.
O MY GOSH!!!!! CONGRATS U GUYS!!!!!!!! woohooo!!! when do u move in? or are u getting in built? woweeeee - this is soo cool! how far is brunswick hills? 303 exit? YEAHHHHHHHH! can't wait to see it!
Wow guys congrats! That's so cool. God blesses those who trust in Him. Caleb and I live in Pinewood Apts. right off of 303, so we might be living pretty close! Too cool. And Kimber is right, Brunstucky is a nice place to live. Congrats again!
No, Kelmo, this is one of the first times that I don't feel any older after passing a major milestone in my life. Maybe it's because of the neighborhood we are moving into... We've only seen 4 other families that have bought/moved into the neighborhood, and they are all under 25 years old. Who knows, maybe it'll hit me when I actually move in, but for now it ain't no big thang.
Hey...congratulations you guys! That is so exciting! And the good thing is that you haven't been living in N.O. too long, so you shouldn't have a lot to move!! Very cool...so did you guys see your actual house or a model home??
We saw a model home. It wasn't even our exact house...they don't do models of the "Vienna", so we had to check out the next floorplan up called the "Halifax". So, once we saw what Ryan homes basically can look like, we went and saw a frame (with stairs) on a Vienna so we could figure out what the floorplan would actually look like.