Jason Moran
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
  That Was Fast, God
Well, it looks like the decision making process has just gotten a lot easier. Kelly and I believe in the power of prayer and the day-to-day participation of God in our lives. As such, we pray about many things...but definitely about a home purchase.

Just like "gifts hints" from my wife, I don't regularly notice the subtle things God might try to tell me. I need God to smack me in the face for me to notice things. So, after praying for wisdom, clarity, blessings, and guidance, I put it to God like this: "How about you just close one of these two doors, and close it soon as our decisions have to happen very quickly. As a sure sign how about this? We are meeting with Ryan Homes tomorrow (Wednesday night). If we shouldn't go that route, when I ask about extending our decision by a week have them say sorry, these offers won't last that long. If we shouldn't go with the Strongsville house, I know it's been on the market for 127 days and things probably won't move quickly, but have somebody bid on it and have it sell in the next 72 hours." This was yesterday around noon right when we realized it was a dead heat between these houses.

Guess what? Shortly after we prayed that somebody bid on the house, and the very same night (last night), the sellers accepted the bid. The flippin Strongsville house sold within HOURS of us praying for a closed door either way.

Hey, whether you believe in the power of prayers or not, that's just plain and simply cool.
I'd like to smack you in the face sometimes. But that's beside the point.

It's awesome that God came through like that and so quickly! I know Jess and I have started to pray about guidance and direction for our housing situation. We're so analyzing and calculating. We worry about everything. God wants us to do our part. We can't just sit around and expect him to do everything for us. And yet, we can't do everything ourselves. We've got to yeild to His will.

So... you're moving forward then on the Ryan home?
Dude your moving to Brunstucky? I'm glad its you and not me, but I have to say you've dropped a down a notch. Not to mention last night when we were standing around praying for alpha I looked up at some lumberjack standing across from me with a trucker hat and a plaid shirt and I realized it was you. Jason, I'm worried about you.
Wait, he looked like Aston Kutcher?
And you'll have a place to stay. It's got 4 bedrooms.
You could even bring your dogs.
Oh, it's still there. If you highlight the yeeeeee it'll scroll all the way over to the end of the haw. It's some crazy fixed-width thing. I'm still going to postpone this decision for a few days. I never considered the possibility yet, but I suppose God still has a chance to close this door and leave me without either door. I don't know what to do in that situation...maybe that means I'll have to find more doors.
Ah, but what if the dog loses its sight?
Hmmm. What if your world turns into some weird version of the door warehouse in Monsters Inc.?
The dog could have a seeing eye rat...but nobody wants a rat. Oh, oh, wait, he has two dogs that can be trained. If one of them breaks he can always throw it out and turn the other one on.
Is that like the Disposable Bathroom Monkey?
From a girl who grew up in Bay Village, yes - that's right can you say 'Beau Villaj'? to a 'grown-up' mom of 4, who has been transported to the GRAND TOWN of Brunstucky - I have to say that Brunstucky has come a long way baby!

Okay, it is a little scary at 11;48p.m. when I am 'hopping' out the door to return our movie rental to the video store (which needs to be in my midnight to avoid those stupid late fees!) that is located right next to 'Christy's' (I hate that place!) - but really other than that, this is my TOWN - can we all say 'Go Blue Devils' (well, actually, I would prefer not to, that's why my kids go all the way to Parma for their education)....well, you get the idea....Brunswick is a great place to live (well, at least it is never BORING!)

We built our home here through Sweetbriar - good luck with Ryan Homes - building is a rollercoaster ride to be sure! Enjoy the ride!

Cool how God moves!!
You would if its eyes rotted and fell out and then you felt its face.

Eww. Gross.
that is cool how quickly God spoke, Jason! I pray He is just as clear and quick with the Ryan homes thing....i've been thinking of tellling our "house story" on here one time....i think you are inspiring a post once again, jason moran.....
Jason Dave killed this blog with his decaying eyeball comment. Please refresh us with something new.
I'm thinking that the sellers of that house were blessed by your prayer, too. LOL

Blessings on your house buying endeavors.
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