Jason Moran
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
  Day 7, 8: Sin City
My downfall began shortly after church on Sunday. What started as a small "Okay, just this once" became an uncontrollable monster by the end of the holiday weekend.

It all started with this thought:
Free hotdogs? And there are still HUNDREDS left? I've got to do my part. And I did. I ate a hotdog, in a white bun, despite knowing that I shouldn't. My cravings have been getting out of control, and I thought that would calm those uneasy seas. I immediately followed that up with some fat-filled (but yummy) pasta salad. To top things off I had a chocolate covered pretzel. To make up for things I ran on the elliptical for 45 minutes and burned 775 calories.

It didn't stop there.

Sunday night I ate my subway sangwich. Without hesitation I also ate almost all of Kelly's subway sangwich. Before Kelly was able to look I ate three full handfuls of Sun Chips. I drank some wine. I had more chips. I downed a container of pudding. More chips. We were freezing cold, so I also drank almost all of Kelly's hot chocolate. After this event, at Tab and Keiths, I had a bunch of nacho cheese and chips -- right before bed time, too!

All of this is nothing compared to Monday.

I lost all sense of portion control. I ate until I was full and then I crammed in at least two extra platefuls on top of that. Lots of potato salad. Smothered vegetable dip on stuff. All kinds of flavored sausage from Gibbs. Dessert not once, not twice, not thrice, but dessert 4 times over the course of the day. That ooey gooey strawberry pretzel stuff, icecream sangwich, and much more.

I knew I mest up, so instead of stopping once I realized it, instead I embraced my screw up and went all out in a fat eating contest against myself. The end result is that I have not only not lost weight, but GAINED an undisclosed amount. I am a failure. Alas, can I start anew today?
No offense man, but you sound like Jabba the Hut...
If it makes you feel any better... I had ice cream like three or four times yesterday. Yeah, I can't really remember, I lost count.

And this morning I had 3 lenders frozen bagels (which don't even count as bagels by the way, that's like false advertising) with cream cheese. They were the tiny small anorexic lenders bagels.

It's ok, I'll eat Subway today. My subs are on wheat, and they're 80% veggies.
I don't watch King of Queens, but the one ep I saw had Doug going to an overeaters anonymous club. I need to do that, and it sounds like Jason does too.

This whole thing with Jason, and the failure, kind of reminds me of the movie 40 Days and 40 Nights.
Jason when did you become such a girl caring about all the minor nothings that you ate...oh not pasta salad...how dare you eat something with fat in it. I swear you are never going to look good in that size 4 dress again!
I've seen him in that dress. It's not pretty.
It CAN be pretty! I'll show you!

**runs home crying**
Just start over, there isn't a holiday for along time!!
Yeah, start over. You've made NO Progress at all. You're back to square zero.

I'm just kidding. Just my brain thinking that the words start over can be discouraging. Look at it this way, despite what you ate, your metabolism is probably higher now, your pulminary system is more capable of handling the workouts. You have more muscle mass that should be burning more calories as you just sit there playing Flash Flash Revolution all day at work.
Ever see him wearing a dress while he was pumping that "music"?
So that's what the pitter-patter of feet in the hallway was!
You know, there were like a butt-load of gangs at Case Western. This one gang kept wanting Jason to join because he's pretty good with a bo staff.
Heck yes I'd vote for you! You're like the only guy at school that has a mustache!
Yes, Dave D. FINALLY watched Napoleon Dynamite over the Labor Day weekend.
I had no reasonable means to watch it until this weekend. NetFlix what? Blockbuster what? Those both suck and aren't worth my time or money. I don't really bitTorrent movies anymore. And Adelphia has had us bent over for so long that we can't justify paying for movie channels. So this weekend's free preview of HBO was the only way that I could watch it. I was able to just set Media Center up to 'TiVo' it for me.

Really, somehow, I completely missed the release of Napoleon Dynamite. Never saw one ad for it. Never once heard a person talk about it. That is, until the shirts started showing up a little while later. By then, it was already gone. It was a weird phenomenon.

Anyway, it completely resonates with me because I knew someone who was the approximate height and build of Napoleon, spoke exactly like him with the same inflections, had the same gangly body language when he ran, looked at the ground when he talked, and was as bold and brazen as Napoleon (not the prototypical shy nerd). The only thing he didn't do was wear glasses or wear snow boots.

Ok, he didn't talk about bo staffs or numchucks either. But I could completely visualize him saying "Tine, you FAT LARD! Come get some DINNER! Tina, eat. Eat the FOOD!"
but that pasta salad was so good..... :)

come to think of it, it really was kinda mean of me to offer that, fully KNOWING u were on this diet of sorts, but really just selfishly wanting it to get all eaten up...SORRY..at least i know it wasn't the pasta salad that started it all, but the hot dog...and in that, i had no part...
Bode said it earlier, I adhere to it, and I know Jaosn adheres to this philosophy.

Free food has no calories. You just can't let free food go to waste. You must do your part.
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