Jason Moran
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Kelly and I celebrated our first anniversary in Chicago. We've never been there before, but it was a cool city that we only got to see a small slice of in the short time we were there. We managed to see many of the biggest tourist attractions, but we still have days and days worth the the "main" stuff to see, plus a lot more time for the rest of chicago. We didn't even make it into Lincoln Park or really almost anywhere outside of the loop during this trip. We stayed at the swissotel for a few days and The W (City Center) for the next couple of days. If we go back I'd like to check out The W that is a little bit more north (closer to Navy Pier).

Here are a few more pictures of us:

These are a few pictures of Chicago from the Hancock Tower:

u guys are so cute! i love the pics. i agree about chicago, nice place to visit, but not live. are u guys glad to be home? u can tell by bloggo previouso that we missed u......
96 bottles of beer on the wall... 96 bottles of beer...
I didn't get it...I had a blast for the 54 seconds we spent in the Apple store, yet Kelly was yanking on my arm to leave the entire time. I could have probably spent a the whole day in there...and walked out with a truck load of apple products.
ah yes the view from the Hancock tower. I made the mistake of seeing the city from the Sears Tower and after I spent $12 to get up there the guide told me that I would have a much better view from the Hancock tower. Figures...
did you see or touch any monkeys?
We went in the apple store at Legacy village and it stunk, like a bunch of monkeys. It stunk bad. I think it was the employees.

Apple definitely has the scandanavian über-slick styling thing going on, but seriously, who can afford to pay those prices for inferior, less-versatile devices?

Show me an iPod that supports mp3s and wma's. Show me a 2-button mac mouse. (ok, so those now exist, as of 2005. they're a little late to the dance... but they finally got there)
Dave, you're lucky I'm probably the only other person here that knows that much about Apple products. I totally disagree with your "inferior" label of Apple products. iPods support mp3 AND aac. Why would they support wma (WINDOWS media audio)? I personally own a Creative Zen mp3 player that supports wmas, but I would still say that iPods are superior in design, quality, interface, and customer support. That stinking high Apple price is the only thing keeping me back.
See, even the design sometimes lacks. The Zen Micro's sensa-touch thing is more intuitive and clearly labeled than the competing iPod Mini that I picked up in the store. The Round disc senso-pad just wasn't intuitive, nor was there any visual indication on said disc that made it clear that I should 'scroll' my finger over it. Furthermore, the "OK" button being in the middle of the disc gets in the way of the natural location of finger scrolling, right in the middle.

Finally, ya just can't fiddle with and upgrade a mac (computer) the way you can a PC.

Their hardware (cpu) is also usually lightyears behind.

There also are not alternative choices in hardware to run on the mac platform. For the PC platform I can choose dell, or gateway, or hp, or hp's compaq, or eMachines, or alienware, or Lenovo (formerly IBM) or build my own, or... or...

Apple needs to get their head out of their pompous collective a55. They could SO embrace the open source crowd rather than going full-on proprietary.

To me, they're good for one thing. Competition and innovative aesthetic design (their ergonomic design blows). They're one more player that serves to make the PC-platform products that I buy that much better (and cheaper).
While we're on this topic... (at least while I'm on this topic)... there's some things that are perhaps minimally innovative that tick me off. I recently saw a screenshot of some user interface for a non-PC operating system. The X button to close windows was in the top left hand corner of the screen. This serves NO purpose at all except to be anti-Windowsian in its implementation. It adds absolutely no value and in fact only serves to increase the learning curve for those coming from the Windowsian world. If these platforms really want to compete they should make switching easy for the user... like long distance phone companies used to do. Heck, they'd even do it for you without you even knowing. ;)
Bode, you made the points I was about to throw back at Derecskey. It's funny, I'm defending Apple even though I own precisely 0 Apple products. I do, however, disagree almost completely with every one of Derecskey's points. Kelly needs to ask me how to "get to that one screen" all of the time when using my Creative Zen, yet I have seen countless people pick up an iPod for the first time ever and figure out exactly how to operate the whole thing in seconds. The scroll wheel is probably the single best invention to hit mp3 players ever.
Oh, and for everybody else...forget about our Apple vs. PC flame war...you can get back on to the first anniversary and Chicago trip topic at any point.
Looks like you had fun Jason!! I am glad you guys got to get away...come on you need a baby now, that way you can celebrate your anniversary differently next year;)
I'm very happy for your two great achievements J. 100+ comments and a wonderful anniversary trip. Let's not get carried away, however...

Every married couple knows how often the baby comment comes up. We really don't have to advise Jason to have a baby. Even strangers will walk up to them on the street to inquire as to where the offspring are. Now they may be very unusual strangers with antisocial tendencies, but it happens.
And I always thought the Apple-makes-superior-products concession was just to keep the Apple enthusiast from storming off in anger and throwing a temper tantrum. I never actually believed it.

It's like saying Sony makes superior products. You won't have to dig far to find out what I think about Sony and their proprietary crap that doesn't work with anybody else's products.

Apple is like Nintendo. There were points in time where you could have argued that Nintendo had a superior product or superior products (their games) however they had the same arrogant air about them that Apple does. Their licensing was insane. They've since been left in the dust by competators who are more willing to open up their architectures to third-party components and software.
Ok, on a serious level, once you tie something... can you un-tie it?

My brother and his wife (both 40 yrs old or older) long ago said they never wanted kids. So I think my brother got things tied up.

My sister had two kids after years and years of trying, then had hers all tied up minutes after the 2nd delivery.

I've always thought, what happens if you change your mind?
But see Jason wants kids so why would he do that??

Jason I'm not pushing,I said it for Kelly. I am usually the one that advises waiting! You wait until you and Kelly are good and ready, and I am sure you will. You have a plan in your head and nobody can change it not even Kelly..come on how long did she wait to get married=)
Men can more easily have things untied. I know someone personally who has reversed a vasectomy. They have 2 kids. I am not sure if women can, I thinik it is just a lot harder and more invasive than a man.

And then there are those hercules men who get 3 vasectomies and it still doesn't work...we know someone like that too. That is where God says, well YOU are not in charge!
I guess I didn't know that about Hercules' anatomy.
Yeah, turns out Hercules had a whole lot of tubes.
yeah, i'm not liking the visual of what happens when you snip and then leave open ends inside...
usually they have you go to a sperm bank before you go through with one of these operations such that any complications won't leave you without possible children in the future.
P.S. As usual, my comments are going on tangent after tangent after tangent.
Sperm banks really really really strike me as odd.

Uh, the process of um, extraction also strikes me as odd. And couldn't it be construed as morally wrong? They should have a medical/surgical way of extracting. Of course the costs of said process would be much higher.
hmm, but doesn't that still require a 'reaction' on the part of the male turkey?
Unbelieveable. My favorite joke from my health teacher in high school was: "Okay class, please turn your testes ovary."
Yes, sadly, I read most of your turkey article. I'm afraid to ask how you knew of the existance of said article.
But the question is why would you ever type in turkey breeding in google?

PS. If your answer is because of a previous comment then don't bother repeating it b/c if I didn't find it interesting enough to read it the first time I don't think I'll find it interesting the second time. Sorry for being so blunt :)
Yeah, except the Indians scored 4 runs in one inning, yet Texas comes right back and scores some themselves. Come on Indians!
Casey at bat!

We all know the story.
So... how about J&K's trip to Chicago? mmmmyah...
How does everyone get so far off with their comments! Could just one post have comments that only pertain to the post?! I think it's impossible!
While we wait for Jason to post another entry... How about "Fun with Limericks?"
41 bottles of beer on the wall...
Oh! I finally got your two "bottles of beer on the wall" comments. It's 100 - (the current comment #). That'll make this "40 bottles of beer on the wall"
I didn't realize my line of thinking was so obfuscated.

39 bottles of beer on the wall...
Sammon! Were you dropped too often as a kid? What's wrong with you, man?
I say we drop him tomorrow at his very own golf outing.

Let's roshambo him!
Hoser eh?
You 2 are so cute together!!!! =)
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