Jason Moran
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
  What Face Do You Show People?
Seriously, even to your best of friends, how much of you do they get to see? People don't necessarily want to see very much either, so I guess that's why you don't hear any complaining. As long as things can be dealt with, everybody puts on a cheerful face and throws that smile at everybody they run into. You don't always see the smile, but that's only when things are bad enough to spill over into regular interactions with people.

How many fights do you have with people that nobody else ever finds out about? Everybody has something really weird about them - and most people would prefer those pretty strange things to be kept a secret. Me? Here's one. When I'm sitting somewhere barefoot I curl my toes up and rest the weight of my legs on my toes. What about addictions? If you are addicted to something socially acceptable then things are alright. I wonder how many alcoholics go to church and won't even admit to most of the people there that they have ever touched a drop. It would be funny if a machine was invented to pull a rank out of your head from 1 to 1000 on how much you like somebody. Oh, it would pull out two numbers from 1 to 1000, one for how much you generally like somebody, and one for sexual attraction. Then, somebody took the machine and showed it to everybody so they could see what number you had assigned to them in your head. Well, those numbers would break down a bit due to the ladder theory, but that's neither here nor there.

Growing up Catholic I thought Catholics were terrible people. They are no different than any other religions. Oh man, how many people at any church, or even my own church have slept around? I seriously don't think it's like that one girl, or maybe those guys that only come to church to pick up chicks anyway. I bet you it's a major percentage...probably double digits. I almost know enough myself to make the percentage that high already.

Anyway, I usually try to wear my emotions on my sleeve and I don't change into a different person when I am among different crowds. I try to show my true self as much as possible, maybe even too much. Even then...you just don't get to see very much of me.
Where did this come from?? Did someone tick you off yesturday?
"The Masks We Wear" by Ben Stein.
very interesting thoughts. i definitely agree that it is hard to be truly honest with everyone about who we really are. part of it is we are still discovering who we really are....?
I am all about honesty, sometimes to a fault. I like people like you who don't try to hide.

I agree with Bek about still discovering who we really are. Sometimes I'm afraid to say what my favorite is (something as silly as ice cream flavors!) because next week it could be different. I just don't get myself sometimes. I think I think too much.
I think I think too much, too. However, Angela has a point that I remain a constant. I have been receiving so many prophecies lately - and a few of them relate to this. I have gotten two words repeatedly for the past couple of months:
1. "Patience" patience patience patience patience (times 10). Darryl just kept slapping me on the chest and repeating that word. Apparently I'm very patient.
2. "Anchor" This is in the sense that I am very rooted in my beliefs and I don't get shaken pretty much at all. They use the word anchor (which sounds nice), but I think you could also use "tree stump". Man, I'm just stuck there and I won't budge.
yeah, daryl may have been slapping you b/c you are patient. or maybe you need to be patient. for all the cool things God's gonna do in your life - like make you a superhero. (i'm actually not being facetious). anyway, post them on your blog as God does them.
Jason, I hate you! *runs to room crying* You're so mean to me! I don't read your blogs either, so there!
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