Death By BloggingBlogging is already decaying my life force. I'm not even a week into this whole thing and my productivity at work has returned back to it's norm. No, norm is not a good thing. See, at most jobs I work hard until everything gets comfortable at which point I spend 1/3 of my time talking to others, 1/3 of my time playing games, and 1/3 of my time working. I'm already down to only spending a third of my time on work, and I haven't even played a single game in over two weeks (even at home!). To go from 4 hours of games a day to none is just crazy to me.
I've completely replaced gaming time with blogging. Between this site (my main one), the account I signed up for, and my original FaceBook account (only supported university students can sign up) - we are talking hours a day here. Not to mention the fact that I sit there and refresh every page and check everybody elses blogs about 12,000 times each day. Plus I find a new blog every day. You are simply not cool unless you go and sign up for a blog.
¶ 1:53 PM
I know exactly what you mean - it does take up a lot of time and shame on me I have been posting comments on these blog sites at my new job and I don't even know their Internet policies yet! I guess I need to add more video game time into my workday to even things out.